The Benefits of Working with a Design Studio on Retainer

If you know that you will need design services throughout the year, but don't want/need to hire a full-time designer, you may want to consider contracting with a design studio on retainer.

It’s likely that all businesses will need to outsource creative services from time to time. The need to design and print ad-hoc items such as flyers or business cards is common, and maintaining a constant visual design can be a challenge. One of the best ways to achieve visual consistency is to use the same designer each time.

What is a design retainer?

A design retainer is an agreement in which a client purchases typically at a reduced hourly rate, for a specific duration of time (eg. monthly, quarterly), the ability to utilize a set number of design hours each month.

Design retainers work well with both design tasks that need regular updates (like social media posts, website graphics etc.), and can also be very valuable if you frequently need large amounts of ad-hoc design.

You may enter a design retainer with a list of design tasks that need to be ticked off each and every month, or simply with a rough idea of how much help you need on various tasks.

So, why a retainer package?


Working with a design studio on retainer means that you get all of the familiarity and consistency that you would with an in-house designer without the overhead costs of an employee.

On a design retainer, we usually offer a discounted rate compared to our normal hourly rate.


As a retainer client, your projects receive top priority each month. This means your work will be scheduled first, leading to quick turnaround times (within reason) on all your requested tasks.

You’ll have peace of mind knowing that your project deadlines will be met.


A long-term relationship means you don’t need to interview and brief a new designer every time a project begins. When you work closely with a design studio over time, it allows them to get a deeper understanding & familiarity of your brand identity, audience & preferences, resulting in visual consistency across all your graphics.

You’ll never worry again about who you’re going to get to do your next design project because you’ll have a designer on standbyduring working hours of course!

Is a design retainer right for you?

Though retainers are great for ongoing support, some businesses will only ever need design support for one-off projects that may be few and far between. If this sounds like you, then a retainer probably isn’t the right route for you.

However, if you or your employees find yourselves snowed under with regular design work, or you’re getting tired of the lack of consistency between different designers, then it may be time to consider contracting with a design studio on retainer. If you’re not sure if a design retainer is for you, let’s talk about your needs!

Need help with that?

Design retainer spots are now available for booking!

Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.

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