Why Should I Hire a Web Designer?

Hiring a web designer can be a big investment for any small business owner. But the benefits to having a a well-executed website will provide a value that’s far greater than the upfront investment you’ll need to make. Here, I’ve covered a few points to help you make that decision.

Let’s start with why you mightn’t need a web designer.

You don’t need a web designer if:

  • Your website is just for fun

  • You have a new business but aren’t ready to commit to a direction or brand

  • You don’t need to customize anything beyond what is offered in Squarespace’s Site Styles

  • You don’t need advanced integrations (e.g. membership, online bookings, donations)

  • You don’t have a deadline looming

If none of these points describe you, let’s move on.

You may need a web designer if:

You need to take your online presence to the next level

Our personal expertise paired with our Squarespace experience, puts us in a position to create a website that not only looks beautiful, but meets your strategic needs as well. We have the knowledge to help you take full advantage of the features Squarespace provides and ensure that your website is optimized for mobile-responsiveness & SEO.


You’re on a time crunch

Building a website can be overwhelming and is much easier if there is a well-honed process in place. One of the major benefits to working with a web designer is the time you will save thanks to our experience with Squarespace and knowledge of website best practices. You can focus on running your business instead of tinkering around on your website.


You have more than you can handle on your plate

As a business-owner, it can be so tempting to feel we have to take care of all the things. A saying comes to mind: Jack of all trades, master of none. That alone is a reason to pass your web design over to a professional so that you can relax knowing that an expert is taking care of it for you while you put your mind to your 101 business tasks instead.

Need help with that?

Our project calendar is now open for booking!

Michelle John

Having worked for a number of companies over the years, I embarked on my freelance career with the aim of supporting the missions of my clients with good design. What energizes me is helping clients who want to be different and are passionate about what they do. I regularly donate my time and design skills on Catchafire.org, a platform matching non-profits with the professional help they need.


Great Nonprofit Design: Best Practices & Examples


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